I went to some sports day in the Olympic Stadium which im not sure where is it.. Homebush i think... Not Bush's home... Or else ill be either dead or honoured.. HeHe... It was my friend's cousin's sports day.. Its not a school's sports day but its like a town club sports day where all the club from each town come and compete to see who can represent the state.. Im not really sure exactly but from what i was told it was something like that... HeHe... They are competing in pole vault,runnings,high jump and disk throw... Yeap... They have pole vault and disk throw.. This is what i call a Hari Sukan.. Its not something like what we all do in our school which is really really really just for laugh.. HaHaHa... The event stadium where i went..
The inside...
And some dolls for decoration.. HeHe..
This is not the only stadium.. They have like swimming ones and all.. Its something like Bukit Jalil just that everybody is white.. HaHaHaHa.. They are all just like prefessional... Just look at what are they wearing... Here..By the way.. The one in green is my friend's cousin..
There is one thing which really shocked me is... THEY ARE ALL UNDER 15.!!! And they run really fast... Malaysians.. You guys need to eat and grow more.. HaHa... This is only ones under 15 that i think Malaysians can beat them...The small one is REALLY SMALL!!
They even have cameras on the finishing line to confirm who wins... That is so cool.. Look at it...Professionals man...
Ah well.. No matter how professional they can be... But in the end.. None of the club win...His the winner..!!
Because they announce that the winner is me...!!!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Hari Sukan...
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
The Real House Im Staying...
Actually... On the last post.... That house wasnt the house im staying in now... If you fall for it... Ill just have to say..... HAPPY APRIL FOOL...!! HaHa... This is actually the house im staying in... Compare it to the previous post house...Entrance to the houses...
The houses.. Much smaller rite..??
The third house is where im staying... The house from my previous post is from my friend's aunty's house's area.. Its really nice there... And its freaking big the houses plus big land.. Anyways... Ill introduce you to "my house"... Welcome to unit 14..
This is the front door... Main entrance... Where we go out from and in to the house... HaHa... Living room..
This is where i watch tv... The tv shows nice movies every weekend... HaHa.. But no football match and no MTV or channel V... Sigh... There is something like Astro which is Foxtel.. Foxtel shows football match and all... But "my house" dont have it... Laundry room..
This is where all the washing happens... No magic here... Sorry... HaHa.. For your information.. There is a toilet bowl by the side of the picture/the laundry room.. You cannot see it in the picture... Its under the boxes... But its really weird for me to have a toilet bowl in there... HaHa..Kitchen..
Dining place...
This is where we cook our good foods and eat.. And also the study table because my room doesnt have any table... Small area leading to the "land"...
The "land"..
No football here Kien.. Its too small.. HaHa... This is where we hang our clothes... Saw the white thing there...?? Thats the hanging thing.. Or whatever it is called... Now... Lets head up to the second floor... Follow me up to the stairs... Step by step... Be carefull..
In second floor there is only like 3 rooms and two toilet... One of the room have its own toilet... Toilet angle 1..
Toilet angle 2...
Toilet angle 3..
This is the toilet i use... Where i sing all my favourite songs... And finally ill show you my room... Its abit messy in my room now because we just got in here not long ago when i took the pictures.. HeHe.. Sorry...The bed... Im sleeping below...
Small CC.. And thats my roommate...
The closet... My roommate again..
Phew... At last... Thats "my house"... Its not a bad house after all... HeHe.. Now let make some money... Lets start an auction to sell this house.. I believe i have shown you enough detail of the house.... So there is no need to ask any question just bid the price.. MATE.. HeHe..
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
House Im Staying.........................
Well guys... Im going to show you the house im staying in Australia... Its a really nice house... Very big... I will post about the inside later.. Because i dont have much time to post about the whole house yet... Sorry about it... This is just the starting... For now you guys just have to imagine how does the inside look like first... HeHe.. Nice rite...
Dont worry... Ill try my best to post the inside of this house soon... HeHe..
A Bad Journey..
Oh gosh... For a moment i thought i cant log in to my blog anymore... Cant log in means no update... Phew... Luckily i tried to verify my email address again and now i can log in... Wooo Hooo... Anyways... On the second day after i arrived in Sydney... I went to my brothers friend house.. Jonathan to grab stuffs that my brother brought for me when he came to Sydney... My brother is suppose to pass it to me himself when he was here in Sydney but my flight to here got postpone... Great rite..?? To go to Jonathan's house.. I need to take a bus ride around 40 minutes to the train station... Then train ride around 40 minutes to city... Then walk around 20 minutes to Jonathan's house... So... 40+40+20=100 minutes... The journey begins.. The bus ride... 40 minutes..
The train ride.. 40 minutes..
The walk.. 20 minutes...
Destination in 1 hour 40 minutes...
Well after i get all those stuffs... And some drink in Jonathan's house... We start our journey back again... This time is starts with the walk... The train ride.. Then the bus ride... During the walk... Guess what... It started to rain really heavy... We ran all the way to the train stations with the stuffs we got... This are the stuffs... Stuffs inside are heater..stationary..plates and many more... HeHe.. Luckily my friends came along... If not i dont know what will happen to me.. HeHe..Look.. Its raining...
The beg makes me look like im from China running away from home... HaHa.. Those common China mans begs.. HaHa.. Anyways.. Here comes the train ride... We waited there for 60 minutes just for the train to come because there is something wrong with the rail track due to heavy rain.. Then during the train ride.. We stoped quite a few times in the middle of the rail track.. This made the train ride 60 minutes... When we reach Bankstown train station which is my place... Its dark already.. If im not mistaken its around 8 30 p.m that time... And there is no more bus service... Its empty...Sigh...
WIth no choice left... We have to take a taxi ride home.. Plan ruined... Sigh.. Taxi ride is around 30 minutes... This journey back took us 20+60+60+30=170 minutes.. Journey was suppose to be 200 minutes... But with all this obstacles... HeHe... Its 270 minutes... Its really a bad second day in Sydney..