Chef Chris Tai..
Since im cooking alot here.. Ill share with you guys how i cook a quite good fried rice bechelor style.. HeHe.. To all the bechelors who are staying alone... Learn this man... To all the couple.. Ask your girlfriend to cook for you.. HeHe... Firstly.. Ill instroduce the ingredients you need to cook this bechelor style fried rice...
- Chicken marinate with soy sauce
- Onion
- Garlic
- Carrot
- Egg
- Button mushroom/Nipple mushroom
- Cabbage
- Rice if not it would not be fried rice
People who dont know what are the ingredients... Dont worry... HeHe.. And all the steps i will have pictures to guide you through.. No worries...Ingredients in picture form..
Step 1
Heat up the pan... Big pan for big portion... HeHe..
Step 2
Saute the garlic and onion first... Then put the chicken.. Carrot and cabage in to saute along... Saute till the chicken is cooked...The chicken is not cooked yet here... HeHe...
Step 3
Next... The rice and the nipple mushroom in... I like to call it nipple mushroom.. My mom taught me that... So yea.. HeHe.. But seriously.. Look at it and your nipple... HaHa... Oh.. I dint know that in malay its your puting... HaHaHaha..Can you smell it..??
Not forgetting to add this secret sauce... This sauce will make your food smells good and taste good... Its the MAGGIE SAUCE... HeHeHe... In Australia.. They dont pronounce it as MAGGIE.. They pronounce it as MAJJIE... HaHaHaHa...MAJJIE SAUCE...
And *POOF*... Its ready to serve my friends... Breakfast...?? Branch..?? Lunch..?? Lunner..?? Dinner..??? Dipper..?? Supper...??? Whichever you are having.. HeHeHe.. Dint know there is so many meals a day right.. HeHe... Enjoy..!!!Yum yum... Bechelor Style Fried Rice...!!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Chris/Bechelor Style Fried Rice...
5 Down...
Woooo Hoooo.. I have passed another of my exam.. 5 down... I have only 2 more papers to go... Hopefully i can pass it all in one sitting.. HeHe... As you know... I have been really busy doing ALOT of stuffs.. HeHeHe... Consider this two months in Australia is the most happening month for me... HaHa... But well.. I will always try to update my blog once in a while.. I have so much to write but i got no time.. Seriously.. 24 hours and 7 days is not enough man... Am i right..?!?! HeHeHe.... But well.. I will just have to keep digging my time to update my blog and do some other stuffs... HeHe... For not updating my blog so long... I would like to say.... Sorry mate.. HeHe... And for not catching up with peoeple in Malaysia much... I would like to say... So sorry... HeHeHe.. Do not worry.. I still remember you guys... Cheers...
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Party Sje2
Party..??? HeHe... Yeaps.. We the Malaysian gang had a parrrrty quite some time ago.. Its just a party for nothing... So we call it... Party Sje2.. It means... Party Saja Saja... HaHaHa.. This is some of malay short forms... I learn alot of malay here.. I speak malay so much more than when i speak in high school... But i think i dont speak malay at all in my high school except with teachers and during football... HeHe... Anyway.. This is a very different party for me... Its because there is one really special rule.. Which is.. Each of us have to bring our own food to be barbequed.. HaHaHa.. Felt so weird... HaHaHa... But we did have fun.. So i think we forgotten about the weirdness... HeHe...The Malaysian gang..!!!
The food table...
I dont think my food was there.. But yea... It was quite a sad for me because i think i only have like 5 chicken drumsticks.. And i have to share it with my roommate because he dont even have one... Being a kind me.. HeHeHe... Luckily i still have some potatoes.. And my friends were being kind also.. They did spare me some dogs.. HeHe..Having fun playing the super fake guitar..
Busy preparing....
Foods...!! HeHe..
Hamzah.. Notice him..??
Have a look again in all the pictures above and see where is Hamzah... I think i can hire him to help me barbeque next time.. He just loves to do the job... HaHaHa... Its amazing that we actually have a really small "dance floor"... HaHa.. My friends were just dancing there for fun.. Trying to act like someone.. The dancer..
It was a nice party we had.. HeHe.. Had fun... And amazingly.... I was really full... HeHe.. KLIFA gang... HeHe..
Monday, August 4, 2008
Yummy Delicious Food..
Have you all ever felt that whatever you eat at home is damn bored.. Its like.. "Oh gosh... Same dish"... 'Oh gosh... Nothing new".... Okay... I admit i did felt that way sometimes.. HeHe.. Its like when my mom asked me what i want to eat.. I will need to take a long time to answer her what i want to eat because i cant think of anything i want to eat.. HeHeHe... Here are some of the nice dish my mom cook...Some baby vege and fried garlic..
Steam or fried prawns.. YUMMMM!!!
Oh gosh.. Those foods are damn good.. Im missing it... Sorry to make you drool... HeHeHe.. Sigh.. But when i came here to Australia.. Everything changed... I cant eat food like those in the pictures... When im here.. I have to learn to cook for myself.. HeHe... I have to think of what to cook... How much to cook... What to buy.. How to keep the foods... Alot of stuffs to think... Well.. This is what foods i came out with...Instant macaroni and cheese..
Yau ci tak fried rice.. HeHe..
Butter chicken it says..
Soy sauce chicken.. Onion eggs... And hidden mickey..
This are the foods i cooked... But there is more of course.. Will post about those some other time.. HeHe.. I did not really actually cook all of them.. I cheated by buying those sauce packets.. But i do know how to cook some because my mom thought me how how to cook before i came here.. Apparently.. The foods i cook is not that bad... Can be eaten... HeHe.. Now i finally understand how does my mom feels when she need to cook for us everytime... Its not easy my friends... So we have to 'Hormat.... Hormat ke ibu... Hormat.... 1... 2... 1'... Eventhough its something you dont like.. Eat it... HeHe... Its sad that sometimes i really really dont know what the hell to cook... Or if im out of groceries... Or lazy... With no choice left... I have to eat this for dinner... Sob sob.. Guess what it is yourself..
HaHaHaHaHa.. Dont worry.. I only did this once.. HeHeHe...