Wooo hooo.. Im back from Yaya Land... Hahah... It was an okay week with ups and downs... Badwords flying around from my mouth because kena scolded for nothing again... Im not going to say much about this but.. Dont want remind myself of such blardy moments.. Hahaha...
Anyhow.. Classes like EVERYDAY 8 TO 5 30..!!!! EVERYDAY!!! Wake up class... Makan.. Class.. Makan... Class... Makan.... Sleep... Class.. Till this happen..Tertidur pulak..
During the week there i just crashed at my friends place... Cause it was only a week so who cares... It was not that bad... A townhouse with 3 tiny rooms... So yea...The living room..
My bed for the week...
Wanted to take picture of my COLLEGE but then.... Sigh... My phone ran out of battery during the last day of college.. So sorry... But then aiya... Its just a long building with class rooms and all thats it... Nothing much hebat about it... As long as i feel like COLLEGE... Hahahaha...
Oh... Went to makan this copy of KFC.. Oh my gosh.. Sucks.. Everything they give is like "Honey.. I shrunk the food as well".. Hahaha.. Im not going to say what fast food restaurant is this... Figure out yourself... Crap...
For your info.. Wanted to post this quite long ago but due to some noobness of mine i cant seem to get the picture right.. So yea.. Hehe..
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
K.L Im Back...
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Leaving On A Jet Plane Again..
Exams is coming up..!!!! No for nervousness...Scaryness....!!! Yes for one paper down..!! Hehehe...
Anyhow... Ill be going to J to the B tomorrow.. Its only for a week but... Classes there for one whole week... Then exams on the coming week... And it all spells tiredness to me.. Hahahaha... Hopefully i can do good in the exams and concentrate well enough.. Hehehe...
Oh.. Why J to the B..?? Cause my COLLEGE is based there..!!! COLLEGE..!! Read this.. COLLEGE!!! Hahaha...
Yeaps.. I have always said that im not in a college im not in a college cause i dont feel im in a college.. But now i kinda feel that im in a college... Will try to get some pictures and show my COLLEGE!!!! Hahahaha...
Dont miss me ya... Muah...
I asked my brother...
"Why are you awake so early.???"
"Why not..?? Its 7 10 in the morning d wad.. Dont need to work ah"
"Oh ya hor..."
*Pause..... Then my brother asked..
"Why are YOU still here..??"
"Why not..??"
"Its 7 10 now.."
"Yea.. So..?? Class starts at 8 wad.."
"I thought you normally leave at like 6 50..??"
"Eh.. Yea meh..?? Seriously..?? EH EH... SHIT!!! IM LATE D SHIT!!!!"
Ended up i was stuck in the jam and i was like 30 mins late for class.. Oops.. Hehehehehe... This happens on the first day of class after the two weeks hols... Which during that i think i had too much fun in PD...
Its not good to have hols in between times like that... Sucks to the maxxxxxxx... And this might happen.. Hehehe..
Fill In The Blanks....
Its been a really tiring days for me ever since got back from Australia... I got back on the 7th May and guess what.. On the 1st of June i started my class d... Its only for 2 weeks but.. Then hols.. Then 2 weeks again.. Dont ask.. I know its weird.. Cause i do think its weird.. Hehe...
It was like a routine for me everyday after i started class..!!!
0550am = Wake up.. Get ready... Makan..
0650am = Start my journey to college to avoid peanut butter jam...
0800am = Class starts..
0100pm = Finish class.. And drive home to makan lunch..
0200pm = SLEEP!!!!
0700pm = Dinner...
0830pm = Study....
1030pm = Takei with my brother if not check my mails and all...
1200pm = SLEEP!!!
Trust me.. Its been like that for the whole first two weeks... And everyday ill be complaining to my mom..
"Eh ma.... I think my now that im 20 years old.. Its affecting me and i can feel the oldness d..."
"Cause i feel so super duper tired everyday.."
"Eh.. I think we got chicken ____.... You drink lar.. Since no one drinks and you feel so tired everytime..."
"Yucks... Okay lar... Hahaha.."Chicken ____ box...
Chicken ____...
Drank it but i dont think its helping.... Still i feel.......... TIRED...... All i know that drink is damn sucky... Hehehe...
I still think that COFFEE(Wooo hooo) works better and they are much much much nicer to drink.. Haha..
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
2.5 Hours... PRODUCTIVE!!!!!!!!!!
Such a hectic fun 2 weeks off.. Went to PD... Catching up with humans... Resting.. Guitar hero-ing... Hehehe... Eh.. Wait.. Make it 3 weeks cause the first week of class was not really concentrated class.. Still went out alot... For TRANSFORMERS BABY.. And Ice Age 3... Hahaha..
So yesterday..... Came back from college.. Tidur then at night.... I studied for 2 and a half hours.. Shiok shiok shiok.... Autobots... Transform... To study mode... Hehe... Felt that my whole day was soooooooooooooooo productive.... HAHAHA.. Need to put in more effort from now on... Damn the takut with the exams... Really want to score 100% if i can... I dont know why but suddenly this rhyme came up to my mind... Dont laugh please...
Dealing with the wind...
Used alot from my mind..
Dealing with the slope..
100% is what i hope...
I know lame so sorry.... First time ever in my life okay...
Go belajar peoples... Hope you humans will transform to study mode also... Good luck to anyone with upcoming exams and study hard...
Hello Goodbye.!!
Just so you know... When i was still in my war in Australia.. My brother told me some good news... He was like.. "Eh.. Guess what... Im buying PS3..!!" Hahahahaha... So yeaps... He bought a PS3 and start to bug me so much to buy a game back from Australia NO MATTER WHAT... But i did not get any... Too bad and sorry... Hehehe..Mr. Black..
I wanted to get guitar hero world tour set when he told me that he is buying PS3.. So when i came back... Wahahahahahahahhahha... I BOUGHT IT..!!!! Not by myself but by kumpul-ing duit from everyone... Hehehe... I bought the whole set which comes with.... The game... The drum set... Guitar.. And a mic... THIS IS SUPER FUN MADNESS OWNAGE AND ORGASMIC!!!! Played it like so mad... Hahaha..The game..
The drum set...
The guitar A.K.A the sad one...
Realise how the guitar is all nicely packed in the picture....?? Why did i say the guitar is the sad one..?? Sigh sigh... After 12 days I bought it... And rocking for the whole 12 days every single time im at home without fail...!!! Till i became like a rockstar.. Believe it...
The guitar spoilt... Cant strum it downward anymore.. Only can strum upwards... Sigh sigh.. So now its under repair.. Hopefully it will be back SOON.. Like please... SOON!! That dude told me like 2 3 weeks depending.... RIght now i can only play the drum and mic.. Which is still.... SHIOK!! Hahaha...
Oh... This is how my friend look like before he owns guitar hero and after he owns guitar hero... HAHAHAHAHAHA... Just be prepared.. Cause what you see now is not what you normally see... It might be abit disturbing i think... And.. Err... You have to see it at your own risk.. So slowly scroll down... Take a deep breath....
ROCK ON PEOPLE!!! Hahaha.. Want his number.???? Hahaha