Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Ring Australia..

The movie The Ring is really famous... Its some horror movie which is really scary when you are young.. But i still think its scary.... You guys should know how the story goes... Peoples watches this tape where a woman will appear climbing out from the well.. Which is really freaky.. The people who watched it will get a call and after awhile... See yas... I remembered the first time when i watch the movie.. Its more like i dint watch it... HaHaHaHa... Anyway... I think the japanese people directed it... Then the states copy and paste... Im not sure about chinese... Did they or did they not... HaHa... But what i know now is that Australia is going to copy and paste again but slightly different... Instead of the well... They changed it to the bed... How good can the director be... Not much people know about this because they kept it quite secretly... And the only posted picture i got is this...

The Ring Australia (18SG)...

Main actor and the ghost... HeHe..

Not forgetting the most educated director in Australia.. Who studied too much... He directed part of the movie in his own room which is the room you see in the posted picture...

Mr. Jon... Im sorry Jon.. Dont kill me.. HaHa...

And now after you read this post... And immediately your phone rings... Erm... Erm....Just scream like a girl while running around your house... And not forgetting to give me your phone when i come back... HeHe..

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